Casey Thompson

Casey's Bio

Casey began her culinary career in her home state of Texas; she worked under celebrity chef Dean Fearing at Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek, one of Texas’ most revered dining destinations.


After finishing as a finalist and earning the “Fan Favorite” title on the third season of Top Chef, Casey set her sights on far flung horizons. She traveled the world, learning new techniques in places like Thailand and Argentina. She became the American ambassador for an Argentinian Malbec and cooked her way through wine country, learning the art of pairing freshly farmed foods with terroir-driven wines.


Eventually settling in San Francisco, Casey split her time between the West Coast and Texas, opening Brownstone Restaurant in Fort Worth to critical acclaim, and later Aveline restaurant and The European Bar & Lounge in San Francisco. She then worked as the executive chef at the Inn at Rancho Santa Fe in the San Diego area and had a private dining business in wine country. Now, Casey is putting her dynamic experience and deep culinary passion to work at Folktable in Sonoma, CA.



delicious crusty fish hamburger with pickles tomate special hamrburger sauce and fluffy toasted bread
